Package: rock 0.8.1

Gjalt-Jorn Peters

rock: Reproducible Open Coding Kit

The Reproducible Open Coding Kit ('ROCK', and this package, 'rock') was developed to facilitate reproducible and open coding, specifically geared towards qualitative research methods. Although it is a general-purpose toolkit, three specific applications have been implemented, specifically an interface to the 'rENA' package that implements Epistemic Network Analysis ('ENA'), means to process notes from Cognitive Interviews ('CIs'), and means to work with decentralized construct taxonomies ('DCTs'). The 'ROCK' and this 'rock' package are described in the ROCK book <> and more information, such as tutorials, is available at <>.

Authors:Gjalt-Jorn Peters [aut, cre], Szilvia Zorgo [aut, ctb]

rock.pdf |rock.html
rock/json (API)

# Install 'rock' in R:
install.packages('rock', repos = c('', ''))

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3.40 score 5 stars 425 downloads 117 exports 80 dependencies

Last updated 1 days agofrom:1bad41a906 (on package/rock). Checks:1 OK, 3 ERROR, 5 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 10 2025
R-4.5-winERRORMar 10 2025
R-4.5-macERRORMar 10 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORMar 10 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGMar 10 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGMar 10 2025
R-4.4-linuxWARNINGMar 10 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGMar 10 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGMar 10 2025



Introduction to the Reproducible Open Coding Kit (ROCK)

Rendered fromintroduction_to_rock.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 10 2025.

Last update: 2025-03-09
Started: 2025-03-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add HTML tags to a sourceadd_html_tags
Apply multiple DiagrammeR global graph attributesapply_graph_theme
Conversion between base10 and base30base30conversion base30toNumeric numericToBase30
Concatenate to screen without spacescat0
Check for presence of a packagecheckPkgs
Get an item in a specific languageci_get_item
Create a heatmap showing issues with itemsci_heatmap
Import a Narrative Response Model specificationci_import_nrm_spec print.rock_ci_nrm
Cleaning & editing sourcesclean_source clean_sources search_and_replace_in_source search_and_replace_in_sources wordwrap_source
Convert a character vector into an utterance vectorcleaned_source_to_utterance_vector
Create a frequency histogram for codescode_freq_hist
Add one or more codes to one or more sourcescode_source code_sources
Import a code book specification from a spreadsheetcodebook_fromSpreadsheet
Convert a codebook specification to PDFcodebook_to_pdf
Replace code identifiers with their full pathscodeIds_to_codePaths
Get a vector to find the full paths based on the leaf code identifiercodePaths_to_namedVector
Convenience function to get a list of all available coding schemescodingSchemes_get_all
Collapse the occurrences in utterances into groupscollapse_occurrences
Create an overview of coded fragmentscollect_coded_fragments
Vector compression helper functionscompress_with_or compress_with_sum
Convert 'rectangular' or spreadsheet-format data to one or more sourcesconvert_csv2_to_source convert_csv_to_source convert_df_to_source convert_sav_to_source convert_xlsx_to_source
Conveniently convert vectors to numericconvertToNumeric
Create a coding schemecodingScheme_levine codingScheme_peterson codingScheme_willis create_codingScheme
Create a co-occurrence matrixcreate_cooccurrence_matrix
Create HTML fragment with CSS stylingcss
Convert a document (.docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, or .html) to a plain text filedoc_to_txt
An very rudimentary example codebook specificationexampleCodebook_1
Expand categorical attribute variables to a series of dichotomous variablesexpand_attributes
Export codes to a plain text fileexport_codes_to_txt
Export a merged source data frameexport_mergedSourceDf_to_csv export_mergedSourceDf_to_csv2 export_mergedSourceDf_to_sav export_mergedSourceDf_to_xlsx
Export parsed sources to HTML or Markdownexport_to_html export_to_markdown
Exporting tables to HTMLexportToHTML
Extract the codings by each coder using the coderIdextract_codings_by_coderId
Convert a (pre)registration form to an R Markdown templateform_to_rmd_template
Generate utterance identifiers (UIDs)generate_uids
Generic underlying recoding functiongeneric_recoding
Get the code identifiers a code's descendentsget_childCodeIds get_descendentCodeIds
Return all values from a nested list in a dataframeget_dataframe_from_nested_list
Create a filter to select utterances in a sourceget_source_filter
Get the state transition data frameget_state_transition_df
Get the state transition data frameget_state_transition_dot
Get the state transition tableget_state_transition_table
Get utterances and codes from sourceget_utterances_and_codes_from_source
Return one or more values from a nested list in a list of vectorsget_vectors_from_nested_list
Print a headingheading
Generic convenience function to create a heatmapheatmap_basic
Read sources from a directory, parse them, and show coded fragments and code treeinspect_coded_sources
Load a source from a file or a stringloading_sources load_source load_sources
Masking sourcesmask_source mask_sources mask_utterances
Match the corresponding indices of (YAML) delimiters in a sequential listmatch_consecutive_delimiters
Merge source files by different codersmerge_sources
Convert a number to a date using Excel's systemnumber_as_xl_date
Options for the rock packageget opts reset set
Parsing sourcesparse_source parse_sources parsing_sources plot.rock_parsedSources print.rock_parsedSource print.rock_parsedSources
Parsing sources separately for each coderparse_sources_by_coderId parse_source_by_coderId
Create an ENA network out of one or more parsed sourcesparsed_sources_to_ena_network
Prepending unique utterance identifiersprepending_uids prepend_ids_to_source prepend_ids_to_sources
Initialize a (pre)registrationprereg_initialize
Plot the graphs in a list of graphsprint.rock_graphList
Convert a QNA network to Linear Topic Map formatqna_to_tlm
Bind lots of dataframes together rowwiserbind_df_list
Simple alternative for rbind.fill or bind_rowsrbind_dfs
Convenience function to read spreadsheet-like filesread_spreadsheet
Add child codes under a parent coderecode_addChildCodes
Remove one or more codesrecode_delete
Merge two or more codesrecode_merge
Move one or more codes to a different parentrecode_move
Rename one or more codesrecode_rename
Split a code into multiple codesrecode_split
Repeat a string a number of timesrepeatStr repStr
Show all coded fragmentsresultsOverview_allCodedFragments
rock: A Reproducible Open Coding Kitrock
Get the roots from a vector with code pathsroot_from_codePaths
Create a source with items to code for Response Process Evaluationrpe_create_source_with_items
Save your justifications to a filesave_workspace
Show a table with all attributes in the RStudio viewer and/or consoleshow_attribute_table
Show the fully merged code tree(s)show_fullyMergedCodeTrees
Show the inductive code tree(s)show_inductive_code_tree
Split long linessplit_long_lines
Strip the root from a code pathstripCodePathRoot
Synchronize multiple streamssync_streams
Sync (expand or compress) a vectorsync_vector
Compress a vector or data framesyncing_df_compress syncing_vector_compress
Expand a vector or data framesyncing_df_expand syncing_vector_expand
Create a templated report for cognitive interviewstemplate_ci_heatmap_1_to_pdf
Convert a codebook specification to PDFtemplate_codebook_to_pdf
Easily parse a vector into a character valuevecTxt vecTxtQ
Wrap all elements in a vectorwrapVector
Write a source to a filewrite_source write_sources writing_sources
Get indices of YAML delimitersyaml_delimiter_indices