- acs::cpiConsumer Price Index data (1913-2015).
- acs::fips.american.indian.areaFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
- acs::fips.countyFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
- acs::fips.county.subdivisionFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
- acs::fips.placeFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
- acs::fips.schoolFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
- acs::fips.stateFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
- acs::kansas07County-level data from the 2007 American Community Survey for Kansas for use in examples of acs package.
- acs::kansas09County-level data from the 2005-2009 American Community Survey for Kansas for use in examples of acs package.
- acs::lawrence10Tract-level data from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey for Lawrence, MA for use in examples of acs package.
- btb::dfPrix_SP95_2016Unleaded 95 price in France in 2016
- btb::dfRestaurantParisParisian restaurants
- btb::pixel_franceFrance grid with 1km square tiles
- btb::reunionHouseholds of Reunion
- ccml::example_dataThe input data for example
- choroplethr::congress116.regionsA data.frame containing geographic metadata about the Congressional Districts of the 116th US Congress
- choroplethr::continental_us_statesA vector of the names of US Continental US States.
- choroplethr::df_congress116_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics about the 116th Congressional Districts
- choroplethr::df_congress116_partyA data.frame containing party affiliation data about the Congressional Districts of 116th US Congress
- choroplethr::df_county_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics for each county in the United States.
- choroplethr::df_japan_censusA data.frame containing basic demographic information about Japan.
- choroplethr::df_ny_tract_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics for each Census Tract in New York State.
- choroplethr::df_pop_countryA data.frame containing population estimates for Countries in 2012.
- choroplethr::df_pop_countyA data.frame containing population estimates for US Counties in 2012.
- choroplethr::df_pop_ny_tractA data.frame containing population estimates for all Census Tracts in New York State in 2012.
- choroplethr::df_pop_stateA data.frame containing population estimates for US States in 2012.
- choroplethr::df_presidentA data.frame containing election results from the 2012 US Presidential election.
- choroplethr::df_president_tsA data.frame containing all US presidential election results from 1789 to 2012
- choroplethr::df_state_age_2010A data.frame containing median age estimates for US states in 2010
- choroplethr::df_state_age_2015A data.frame containing median age estimates for US states in 2015
- choroplethr::df_state_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics for each state plus the District of Columbia.
- coil::example_barcode_dataExample barcode data.
- DATAstudio::GDPGDP of the US Economy
- DATAstudio::GDPIPA Real-time Vintage of GDP and IP for the US Economy
- DATAstudio::alpsSwiss Alps Temperature Data
- DATAstudio::beatenbergBeatenberg Forest Temperature Data (In Unit Fréchet Scale)
- DATAstudio::brexitBrexit Poll Tracker
- DATAstudio::challengerSpace Shuttle Challenger Data
- DATAstudio::claimsInitial Claims of Unemployment
- DATAstudio::corticalBrain Shape Data
- DATAstudio::diabetesDiabetes Diagnosis Data
- DATAstudio::fireDanish Fire Insurance Claims Database
- DATAstudio::lseSelected Stocks from the London Stock Exchange
- DATAstudio::lungcancerLung Cancer Diagnosis
- DATAstudio::madeiraRainfall Data from Madeira, Portugal
- DATAstudio::marketsUSNASDAQ and NYSE Indices
- DATAstudio::mervalMERVAL Stock Market Data
- DATAstudio::metsyndMetabolic Syndrome Data
- DATAstudio::passengersInternational Airline Traffic Data
- DATAstudio::psaProstate Cancer Diagnosis Data
- DATAstudio::santiagoSantiago Temperature Data
- DATAstudio::sp500Standard & Poor 500
- DATAstudio::tmtTrail Making Test
- DATAstudio::unemploymentUS Unemployment Rate
- finreportr::siccodesStandard Industrial Classification Code List
- finreportr::statecodesEDGAR State and Country Codes
- glottospace::dplaceThis is an internally stored version of D-PLACE data. Use glottoget("dplace", download = TRUE) to download the latest version
- glottospace::glottologThis is an internally stored version of glottolog data. Use glottoget("glottolog", download = TRUE) to download the latest version
- glottospace::walsWALS data
- MALDIcellassay::Blank2022intmatBlank2022intmat
- MALDIcellassay::Blank2022peaksBlank2022peaks
- MALDIcellassay::Blank2022resBlank2022res
- MALDIcellassay::Blank2022specBlank2022spec
- MiscMetabar::Tengeler2020_pqThis tutorial explores the dataset from Tengeler et al. (2020) available in the 'mia' package. obtained using 'mia::makePhyloseqFromTreeSE(Tengeler2020)'
- MiscMetabar::data_fungiFungal OTU in phyloseq format
- MiscMetabar::data_fungi_miniFungal OTU in phyloseq format
- MiscMetabar::data_fungi_sp_knownFungal OTU in phyloseq format
- mr.raps::bmi.bmi"Effect" of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Body Mass Index (BMI)
- mr.raps::bmi.sbpEffect of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::background_error_rateThe package provide the SNV and INDEL PERs computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 from 29 controls in a table available in the data file 'background_error_rate.txt'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::hotspotThe package provide a list of known hotspot positions located on the amplicons of the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a txt file 'hotspot.txt' which contains a vector/variable -named chrpos (first row)- of chars, of the form chrN:XXXXXXXXX defining genomic positions.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_indThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_rangesThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_snpThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PResiduals::PResidDataExample Dataset for PResiduals Package
- SFSI::MWheat dataset
- SFSI::VI_E1Wheat dataset
- SFSI::X_E1Wheat dataset
- SFSI::YWheat dataset
- SFSI::genCOV_xyWheat dataset
- SFSI::genCOV_yyWheat dataset
- SFSI::resCOV_yyWheat dataset
- sharpshootR::CDEC.snow.coursesCDEC Snow Course List
- sharpshootR::HHMHighland Meadows
- sharpshootR::OSDexamplesExample output from soilDB::fetchOSD()
- sharpshootR::amadorSSURGO Data Associated with the Amador Soil Series
- sharpshootR::plssMeridiansLL2PLSS
- sharpshootR::table5.2Table 5.2 from Hole and Campbell, 1985.
- squat::vespaThe VESPA dataset
- squat::vespa64The VESPA64 dataset
- synthACS::AgeRaceDRDeath rates in the United States by age and race, 2013
- synthACS::BR2014Birth Rates by Age and Race of Mother
- synthACS::LifeExpLife expectancy at certain ages; United States, 2013
- synthACS::MBRMultiple Birth Rate data by year and race of mother
- synthACS::TFRTotal Fertility Rate by race of mother
- synthACS::adjDRAge-adjusted Death Rate by race and gender
- synthACS::la_hospitalsHospitals in Los Angeles County, CA USA
- synthACS::rawDRRaw Death Rate by race and gender
- synthACS::stateFRBirth rates, by age of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2014
- TwitterAutomatedTrading::my_dictionarymy_dictionary
- VARDetect::eegEEG signal data
- VARDetect::weeklyweekly stock price data
- varycoef::SVCdataSampled SVC Data
- varycoef::houseLucas County House Price Data