1. AssetAllocation::ETFs
    Daily prices and total returns for 24 ETFs.
  2. AssetAllocation::asset_allocations
    Pre-loaded Static and Tactical Asset Allocations
  3. binaryMM::datrand
    Simulated data set
  4. binaryMM::madras
    Madras Longitudinal Schizophrenia Study: Thought Disorder Subset
  5. boostmtree::AF
    Atrial Fibrillation Data
  6. boostmtree::spirometry
    Spirometry Data
  7. CauchyCP::gast
    Example 1: gastric carcinoma trial data
  8. CoFRA::iBAQ
    data frame containing iBAQ values
  9. covid19brazil::brazil_municipality
    The dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the 5,570 municipalities in Brasil
  10. covid19brazil::brazil_region
    The dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the five regions of Brazil
  11. covid19brazil::brazil_state
    The dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the twenty-seven states of Brazil
  12. covid19brazil::brazil_total
    The dataset with information about the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Brazil
  13. CovRegRF::data
    Generated example data
  14. dartR::bandicoot.gl
    A genlight object created via the read.dart functions
  15. dartR::possums.gl
    A simulated genlight object created to run a landscape genetic example
  16. dartR::testset.gl
    A genlight object created via the gl.read.dart function
  17. dartR::testset.gs
    A genlight object created via the gl.read.silicodart function
  18. ecdata::ecd_country_dictionary
    ECD country dictionary A data dictionary with the countries in our dataset and their corresponding file names on Github
  19. ecdata::ecd_data_dictionary
    ECD data dictionary a data dictionary of the columns in our dataset
  20. FeatureHashing::ipinyou.test
    iPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
  21. FeatureHashing::ipinyou.train
    iPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
  22. FeatureHashing::test.tag
  23. fedmatch::State_FIPS
  24. fedmatch::World_Bank_Codes
  25. fedmatch::articles
  26. fedmatch::corp_data1
  27. fedmatch::corp_data2
  28. fedmatch::corporate_words
  29. fedmatch::fund_words
  30. fedmatch::sp_char_words
  31. GiNA::GINA.sample
    cranberry image
  32. glycanr::mpiu
    Multiple plates IgG UPLC data example
  33. glycanr::mpiunorm
    Normalized mpiu data
  34. grec::chl
    Sea Surface Chlorophyll Data
  35. grec::colPalette
    Default color palette most using on environmental representations.
  36. grec::sst
    Sea Surface Temperature Data
  37. klexdatr::capture
    Fish Capture Data
  38. klexdatr::deployment
    Receiver Deployment Data
  39. klexdatr::detection
    Acoustic Detection Data
  40. klexdatr::recapture
    Fish Recapture Data
  41. klexdatr::section
    Section Data
  42. klexdatr::station
    Station Data
  43. LTRCforests::pbcsample
    Sample Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
  44. mregions2::mrp_list
    Available data products at Marine Regions
  45. mregions2::mrp_ontology
    Marine Regions Data Products Ontology
  46. msBP::galaxy
    Galaxy velocities
  47. multilaterals::I_nt
    Matrix of bilateral Fisher fixed-base comparisons
  48. multilaterals::billy_inp_p
    Billy's Bus Company Data: Inputs Prices
  49. multilaterals::billy_inp_q
    Billy's Bus Company Data: Inputs Quantities
  50. multilaterals::billy_out_p
    Billy's Bus Company Data: Outputs Prices
  51. multilaterals::billy_out_q
    Billy's Bus Company Data: Outputs Quantities
  52. multilaterals::dat.p
    Transitive Indexes in Panel Data: Simulated Regional Data on Labor Inputs Prices
  53. multilaterals::dat.q
    Transitive Indexes in Panel Data: Simulated Regional Data on Labor Inputs Quantities
  54. multilaterals::rail_out_p
    Australian National Railways Data: Output Prices
  55. multilaterals::rail_out_q
    Australian National Railways Data: Output Quantities
  56. optpart::shoshsite
    Site Data for the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA
  57. optpart::shoshveg
    Vascular Plant Species Cover for the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA
  58. PVplr::test_df
    DOE RTC Sample PV System Data
  59. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_EPcoaldebate
    Crowd-labelled sentence corpus from a 2010 EP debate on coal subsidies
  60. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_dailnoconf1991
    Confidence debate from 1991 Irish Parliament
  61. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_irishbudget2010
    Irish budget speeches from 2010
  62. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_moviereviews
    Movie reviews with polarity from Pang and Lee (2004)
  63. readwritesqlite::rws_data
    Example Data
  64. rego::Data
    Airline Passenger Dataset
  65. RFpredInterval::BostonHousing
    Boston housing data set
  66. rticulate::palate
    Palate profile dataset.
  67. rticulate::stimuli
    Stimuli dataset.
  68. rticulate::tongue
    Tongue contours dataset.
  69. SNPfiltR::popmap
    Popmap for example scrub-jay vcfR file
  70. SNPfiltR::vcfR.example
    Example scrub-jay vcfR file
  71. STGS::wheat_data
    Genotyping and phenotypic dataset for wheat
  72. stopdetection::loc_data_2019
    Timestamped Location Data
  73. streetscape::scdataframe
    streetscape dataframe
  74. tidymv::inter_df
    Dataset with two factors
  75. tidymv::pois_df
    Dataset with a Poisson outcome variable
  76. unstruwwel::languages
    Language Information
  77. unstruwwel::midas
    MIDAS Standardization Examples
  78. unstruwwel::schemes
    Language-Specific Scheme Variants
  79. zerotradeflow::comtrade
    A sample of the UN Comtrade Database.
  80. zerotradeflow::distinct
    Dataset composed of six different countries.
  81. zerotradeflow::same
    Dataset composed of five different countries (BRA appears as both exporter and importer).