- AssetAllocation::ETFsDaily prices and total returns for 24 ETFs.
- AssetAllocation::asset_allocationsPre-loaded Static and Tactical Asset Allocations
- binaryMM::datrandSimulated data set
- binaryMM::madrasMadras Longitudinal Schizophrenia Study: Thought Disorder Subset
- boostmtree::AFAtrial Fibrillation Data
- boostmtree::spirometrySpirometry Data
- CauchyCP::gastExample 1: gastric carcinoma trial data
- CoFRA::iBAQdata frame containing iBAQ values
- covid19brazil::brazil_municipalityThe dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the 5,570 municipalities in Brasil
- covid19brazil::brazil_regionThe dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the five regions of Brazil
- covid19brazil::brazil_stateThe dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the twenty-seven states of Brazil
- covid19brazil::brazil_totalThe dataset with information about the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Brazil
- CovRegRF::dataGenerated example data
- dartR::bandicoot.glA genlight object created via the read.dart functions
- dartR::possums.glA simulated genlight object created to run a landscape genetic example
- dartR::testset.glA genlight object created via the gl.read.dart function
- dartR::testset.gsA genlight object created via the gl.read.silicodart function
- ecdata::ecd_country_dictionaryECD country dictionary A data dictionary with the countries in our dataset and their corresponding file names on Github
- ecdata::ecd_data_dictionaryECD data dictionary a data dictionary of the columns in our dataset
- FeatureHashing::ipinyou.testiPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
- FeatureHashing::ipinyou.trainiPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
- FeatureHashing::test.tagtest.tag
- fedmatch::State_FIPSState_FIPS
- fedmatch::World_Bank_CodesWorld_Bank_Codes
- fedmatch::articlesarticles
- fedmatch::corp_data1corp_data1
- fedmatch::corp_data2corp_data2
- fedmatch::corporate_wordscorporate_words
- fedmatch::fund_wordsfund_words
- fedmatch::sp_char_wordssp_char_words
- GiNA::GINA.samplecranberry image
- glycanr::mpiuMultiple plates IgG UPLC data example
- glycanr::mpiunormNormalized mpiu data
- grec::chlSea Surface Chlorophyll Data
- grec::colPaletteDefault color palette most using on environmental representations.
- grec::sstSea Surface Temperature Data
- klexdatr::captureFish Capture Data
- klexdatr::deploymentReceiver Deployment Data
- klexdatr::detectionAcoustic Detection Data
- klexdatr::recaptureFish Recapture Data
- klexdatr::sectionSection Data
- klexdatr::stationStation Data
- LTRCforests::pbcsampleSample Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
- mregions2::mrp_listAvailable data products at Marine Regions
- mregions2::mrp_ontologyMarine Regions Data Products Ontology
- msBP::galaxyGalaxy velocities
- multilaterals::I_ntMatrix of bilateral Fisher fixed-base comparisons
- multilaterals::billy_inp_pBilly's Bus Company Data: Inputs Prices
- multilaterals::billy_inp_qBilly's Bus Company Data: Inputs Quantities
- multilaterals::billy_out_pBilly's Bus Company Data: Outputs Prices
- multilaterals::billy_out_qBilly's Bus Company Data: Outputs Quantities
- multilaterals::dat.pTransitive Indexes in Panel Data: Simulated Regional Data on Labor Inputs Prices
- multilaterals::dat.qTransitive Indexes in Panel Data: Simulated Regional Data on Labor Inputs Quantities
- multilaterals::rail_out_pAustralian National Railways Data: Output Prices
- multilaterals::rail_out_qAustralian National Railways Data: Output Quantities
- optpart::shoshsiteSite Data for the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA
- optpart::shoshvegVascular Plant Species Cover for the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA
- PVplr::test_dfDOE RTC Sample PV System Data
- quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_EPcoaldebateCrowd-labelled sentence corpus from a 2010 EP debate on coal subsidies
- quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_dailnoconf1991Confidence debate from 1991 Irish Parliament
- quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_irishbudget2010Irish budget speeches from 2010
- quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_moviereviewsMovie reviews with polarity from Pang and Lee (2004)
- readwritesqlite::rws_dataExample Data
- rego::DataAirline Passenger Dataset
- RFpredInterval::BostonHousingBoston housing data set
- rticulate::palatePalate profile dataset.
- rticulate::stimuliStimuli dataset.
- rticulate::tongueTongue contours dataset.
- SNPfiltR::popmapPopmap for example scrub-jay vcfR file
- SNPfiltR::vcfR.exampleExample scrub-jay vcfR file
- STGS::wheat_dataGenotyping and phenotypic dataset for wheat
- stopdetection::loc_data_2019Timestamped Location Data
- streetscape::scdataframestreetscape dataframe
- tidymv::inter_dfDataset with two factors
- tidymv::pois_dfDataset with a Poisson outcome variable
- unstruwwel::languagesLanguage Information
- unstruwwel::midasMIDAS Standardization Examples
- unstruwwel::schemesLanguage-Specific Scheme Variants
- zerotradeflow::comtradeA sample of the UN Comtrade Database.
- zerotradeflow::distinctDataset composed of six different countries.
- zerotradeflow::sameDataset composed of five different countries (BRA appears as both exporter and importer).