1. ABCp2::fungus
    Sperm Precedence Data from the Fungus Beetle
  2. ABCp2::newt
    Sperm Precedence Data from the Rough-Skinned Newt
  3. ABCp2::rove
    Sperm Precedence Data from the Rove Beetle
  4. ABCp2::soap
    Sperm Precedence Data from the Soapberry Bug
  5. acs::cpi
    Consumer Price Index data (1913-2015).
  6. acs::fips.american.indian.area
    FIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
  7. acs::fips.county
    FIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
  8. acs::fips.county.subdivision
    FIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
  9. acs::fips.place
    FIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
  10. acs::fips.school
    FIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
  11. acs::fips.state
    FIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and creating geographies in the acs package.
  12. acs::kansas07
    County-level data from the 2007 American Community Survey for Kansas for use in examples of acs package.
  13. acs::kansas09
    County-level data from the 2005-2009 American Community Survey for Kansas for use in examples of acs package.
  14. acs::lawrence10
    Tract-level data from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey for Lawrence, MA for use in examples of acs package.
  15. AssocAFC::cor.afc
    AFC Correlation Example
    matrix|75 x 75
  16. AssocAFC::geno.afc
    AFC Genotype Example
    matrix|1800 x 75
  17. AssocAFC::kin.afc
    AFC Kinship Example
    matrix|1800 x 1800
  18. AssocAFC::maf.afc
    AFC MAF Example
  19. AssocAFC::phenotype.afc
    AFC Phenotype Example
    matrix|1800 x
  20. AssocAFC::weights.afc
    AFC Weights Example
  21. boostmtree::AF
    Atrial Fibrillation Data
  22. boostmtree::spirometry
    Spirometry Data
  23. ccml::example_data
    The input data for example
  24. CCTpack::continuousdata
  25. CCTpack::hotcold
  26. CCTpack::raterdata
  27. CCTpack::testdat
  28. CHFF::tsdata
    Time Series Data for Testing
  29. choroplethr::congress116.regions
    A data.frame containing geographic metadata about the Congressional Districts of the 116th US Congress
  30. choroplethr::continental_us_states
    A vector of the names of US Continental US States.
  31. choroplethr::df_congress116_demographics
    A data.frame containing demographic statistics about the 116th Congressional Districts
  32. choroplethr::df_congress116_party
    A data.frame containing party affiliation data about the Congressional Districts of 116th US Congress
  33. choroplethr::df_county_demographics
    A data.frame containing demographic statistics for each county in the United States.
  34. choroplethr::df_japan_census
    A data.frame containing basic demographic information about Japan.
  35. choroplethr::df_ny_tract_demographics
    A data.frame containing demographic statistics for each Census Tract in New York State.
  36. choroplethr::df_pop_country
    A data.frame containing population estimates for Countries in 2012.
  37. choroplethr::df_pop_county
    A data.frame containing population estimates for US Counties in 2012.
  38. choroplethr::df_pop_ny_tract
    A data.frame containing population estimates for all Census Tracts in New York State in 2012.
  39. choroplethr::df_pop_state
    A data.frame containing population estimates for US States in 2012.
  40. choroplethr::df_president
    A data.frame containing election results from the 2012 US Presidential election.
  41. choroplethr::df_president_ts
    A data.frame containing all US presidential election results from 1789 to 2012
  42. choroplethr::df_state_age_2010
    A data.frame containing median age estimates for US states in 2010
  43. choroplethr::df_state_age_2015
    A data.frame containing median age estimates for US states in 2015
  44. choroplethr::df_state_demographics
    A data.frame containing demographic statistics for each state plus the District of Columbia.
  45. COCONUT::GSEs.test
    COCONUT test data
  46. coil::example_barcode_data
    Example barcode data.
  47. CovRegRF::data
    Generated example data
  48. DATAstudio::GDP
    GDP of the US Economy
  49. DATAstudio::GDPIP
    A Real-time Vintage of GDP and IP for the US Economy
  50. DATAstudio::alps
    Swiss Alps Temperature Data
    data.frame|3190 x 5
  51. DATAstudio::beatenberg
    Beatenberg Forest Temperature Data (In Unit Fréchet Scale)
  52. DATAstudio::brexit
    Brexit Poll Tracker
  53. DATAstudio::challenger
    Space Shuttle Challenger Data
  54. DATAstudio::claims
    Initial Claims of Unemployment
  55. DATAstudio::cortical
    Brain Shape Data
  56. DATAstudio::diabetes
    Diabetes Diagnosis Data
  57. DATAstudio::fire
    Danish Fire Insurance Claims Database
  58. DATAstudio::lse
    Selected Stocks from the London Stock Exchange
  59. DATAstudio::lungcancer
    Lung Cancer Diagnosis
  60. DATAstudio::madeira
    Rainfall Data from Madeira, Portugal
  61. DATAstudio::marketsUS
    NASDAQ and NYSE Indices
  62. DATAstudio::merval
    MERVAL Stock Market Data
  63. DATAstudio::metsynd
    Metabolic Syndrome Data
  64. DATAstudio::passengers
    International Airline Traffic Data
  65. DATAstudio::psa
    Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Data
  66. DATAstudio::santiago
    Santiago Temperature Data
  67. DATAstudio::sp500
    Standard & Poor 500
  68. DATAstudio::tmt
    Trail Making Test
  69. DATAstudio::unemployment
    US Unemployment Rate
  70. dhis2r::relative_periods
    Relative periods in DHIS2
  71. fasjem::exampleData
    A simulated toy dataset that includes 2 data matrices (about 2 related tasks).
  72. FeatureHashing::ipinyou.test
    iPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
  73. FeatureHashing::ipinyou.train
    iPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
  74. FeatureHashing::test.tag
  75. forestdynR::forest_df_example
    Data set about forest dynamics
  76. glottospace::dplace
    This is an internally stored version of D-PLACE data. Use glottoget("dplace", download = TRUE) to download the latest version
  77. glottospace::glottolog
    This is an internally stored version of glottolog data. Use glottoget("glottolog", download = TRUE) to download the latest version
  78. glottospace::wals
    WALS data
  79. LncPath::LncPathEnvir
    The variables in the environment variable 'LncPathEnvir' of the system
  80. lrmest::pcd
    Portland Cement Dataset
  81. MALDIcellassay::Blank2022intmat
    matrix|32 x 366
  82. MALDIcellassay::Blank2022peaks
  83. MALDIcellassay::Blank2022res
  84. MALDIcellassay::Blank2022spec
  85. MiscMetabar::Tengeler2020_pq
    This tutorial explores the dataset from Tengeler et al. (2020) available in the 'mia' package. obtained using 'mia::makePhyloseqFromTreeSE(Tengeler2020)'
  86. MiscMetabar::data_fungi
    Fungal OTU in phyloseq format
  87. MiscMetabar::data_fungi_mini
    Fungal OTU in phyloseq format
  88. MiscMetabar::data_fungi_sp_known
    Fungal OTU in phyloseq format
  89. onemap::mapmaker_example_f2
    Simulated data from a F2 population
  90. onemap::onemap_example_bc
    Simulated data from a backcross population
  91. onemap::onemap_example_f2
    Simulated data from a F2 population
  92. onemap::onemap_example_out
    Data from a full-sib family derived from two outbred parents
  93. onemap::onemap_example_riself
    Simulated data from a RIL population produced by selfing.
  94. onemap::simu_example_bc
    Simulated data from a backcross population
  95. onemap::simu_example_f2
    Simulated data from a f2 intercross population
  96. onemap::simu_example_out
    Simulated data from a outcrossing population
  97. onemap::vcf_example_bc
    Data generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a f2 backcross population
  98. onemap::vcf_example_f2
    Data generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a f2 intercross population
  99. onemap::vcf_example_out
    Data generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a full-sib family derived from two outbred parents
  100. onemap::vcf_example_riself
    Data generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a RIL population produced by selfing
  101. pco::gdi
    Investment in advanced countries.
    matrix|41 x 25
  102. pco::gds
    Savings in advanced countries.
    matrix|41 x 25
  103. PlasmaMutationDetector2::background_error_rate
    The package provide the SNV and INDEL PERs computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 from 29 controls in a table available in the data file 'background_error_rate.txt'.
  104. PlasmaMutationDetector2::hotspot
    The package provide a list of known hotspot positions located on the amplicons of the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a txt file 'hotspot.txt' which contains a vector/variable -named chrpos (first row)- of chars, of the form chrN:XXXXXXXXX defining genomic positions.
  105. PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_ind
    The package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
  106. PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_ranges
    The package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
  107. PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_snp
    The package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
  108. PPtreeregViz::dataXY
    Simulated data
  109. PPtreeregViz::insurance
    Insurance Data
  110. RFCCA::data
    Generated example data
  111. ridittools::acc
    Vehicle accident injuries
  112. ridittools::flu.age
    Flu subtype by age group
  113. ridittools::handgun
    Favorability of handgun ban by party
  114. ridittools::semiauto
    Favorability of semiautomatic weapons ban by party
  115. SFSI::M
    Wheat dataset
  116. SFSI::VI_E1
    Wheat dataset
    matrix|776 x 2
  117. SFSI::X_E1
    Wheat dataset
    matrix|776 x 250
  118. SFSI::Y
    Wheat dataset
  119. SFSI::genCOV_xy
    Wheat dataset
    matrix|250 x 4
  120. SFSI::genCOV_yy
    Wheat dataset
  121. SFSI::resCOV_yy
    Wheat dataset
  122. sharpshootR::CDEC.snow.courses
    CDEC Snow Course List
  123. sharpshootR::HHM
    Highland Meadows
  124. sharpshootR::OSDexamples
    Example output from soilDB::fetchOSD()
  125. sharpshootR::amador
    SSURGO Data Associated with the Amador Soil Series
  126. sharpshootR::plssMeridians
  127. sharpshootR::table5.2
    Table 5.2 from Hole and Campbell, 1985.
    matrix|18 x 18
  128. squat::vespa
    The VESPA dataset
  129. squat::vespa64
    The VESPA64 dataset
  130. stratvns::U1
    Population U1
  131. stratvns::U15
    Population U15
  132. stratvns::U21
    Population U21
  133. synthACS::AgeRaceDR
    Death rates in the United States by age and race, 2013
  134. synthACS::BR2014
    Birth Rates by Age and Race of Mother
  135. synthACS::LifeExp
    Life expectancy at certain ages; United States, 2013
  136. synthACS::MBR
    Multiple Birth Rate data by year and race of mother
  137. synthACS::TFR
    Total Fertility Rate by race of mother
  138. synthACS::adjDR
    Age-adjusted Death Rate by race and gender
  139. synthACS::la_hospitals
    Hospitals in Los Angeles County, CA USA
  140. synthACS::rawDR
    Raw Death Rate by race and gender
  141. synthACS::stateFR
    Birth rates, by age of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2014
  142. TwitterAutomatedTrading::my_dictionary
  143. VARDetect::eeg
    EEG signal data
  144. VARDetect::weekly
    weekly stock price data
    matrix|824 x 20
  145. wqs::WQSdata
    Simulated data to test WQS