Package: timeplyr 0.8.2

Nick Christofides

timeplyr: Fast Tidy Tools for Date and Date-Time Manipulation

A set of fast tidy functions for wrangling, completing and summarising date and date-time data. It combines 'tidyverse' syntax with the efficiency of 'data.table' and speed of 'collapse'.

Authors:Nick Christofides [aut, cre]

timeplyr.pdf |timeplyr.html
timeplyr/json (API)

# Install 'timeplyr' in R:
install.packages('timeplyr', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3



3.83 score 5 stars 268 scripts 440 downloads 123 exports 41 dependencies

Last updated 5 days agofrom:0d5dfe69aa (on package/timeplyr). Checks:7 OK, 2 ERROR. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 16 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64ERRORJan 16 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64ERRORJan 16 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKJan 16 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKJan 16 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKJan 16 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKJan 16 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKJan 16 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKJan 16 2025



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timeplyr: Fast Tidy Tools for Date and Date-Time Manipulationtimeplyr-package timeplyr
Time units.duration_units .extra_time_units .period_units .time_units
Accurate and efficient age calculationage_months age_years
Helpers to sort variables in ascending or descending orderasc desc
Create a table of common time units from a date or datetime sequence.calendar
A '' and 'data.table::CJ()' methodcrossed_join
Find duplicate rowsduplicate_rows
Grouped empirical cumulative distribution function applied to dataedf
A 'collapse' version of 'dplyr::arrange()'farrange
A fast replacement to dplyr::count()fadd_count fcount
Find distinct rowsfdistinct
Fast versions of 'tidyr::expand()' and 'tidyr::complete()'.fcomplete fexpand
'collapse' version of 'dplyr::group_by()'fgroup_by
Fast grouped row numbersfrowid
Fast 'dplyr::select()'/'dplyr::rename()'frename fselect
Faster 'dplyr::slice()'fslice fslice_head fslice_max fslice_min fslice_sample fslice_tail
Get summary statistics of time delayget_time_delay
Key group informationgroup_collapse
Fast group IDsadd_group_id add_group_order add_row_id group_id group_order row_id row_id.GRP
Rolling basic growthgrowth rolling_growth
Fast Growth Ratesgrowth_rate
Time interval utilitiesinterval_count interval_end interval_length interval_range interval_start
Utility functions for checking if date or datetimeis_date is_datetime is_time is_time_or_num
Are all numbers whole numbers?is_whole_number
Efficient, simple and flexible ISO week calculationisoday iso_week
Check for missing dates between first and last datemissing_dates n_missing_dates
Fast grouped quantile summaryq_summarise
Reset 'timeplyr' optionsreset_timeplyr_options
Fast rolling grouped lags and differencesdiff_ roll_diff roll_diff.default roll_diff.ts roll_diff.zoo roll_lag roll_lag.default roll_lag.ts roll_lag.zoo
Fast grouped "locf" 'NA' fill.roll_na_fill roll_na_fill
Fast by-group rolling functionsroll_geometric_mean roll_growth_rate roll_harmonic_mean roll_mean roll_sum
Fast grouped statistical summary for data frames..stat_fns stat_summarise
Aggregate time to a higher unittime_aggregate
Group by a time variable at a higher time unittime_by time_by_span time_by_units time_by_var
'time_count' is deprecatedtime_count
Cut dates and datetimes into regularly spaced date or datetime intervalstime_breaks time_cut time_cut_width
Time differences by any time unittime_diff
Fast grouped time elapsedtime_elapsed
Episodic calculation of time-since-event datatime_episodes
A time based extension to 'tidyr::complete()'.time_complete time_expand
Vector date and datetime functionstime_completev time_countv time_expandv time_span time_span_size time_summarisev
Gaps in a regular time sequencetime_gaps time_has_gaps time_num_gaps
Fast greatest common divisor of time differencestime_gcd_diff
Quick time-series ggplottime_ggplot
Time IDtime_id
S3-based Time Intervals (Currently very experimental and so subject to change)is_time_interval time_interval
Is time a regular sequence? (Experimental)time_is_regular
Fast time-based by-group rolling sum/mean - Currently experimentaltime_roll_apply time_roll_growth_rate time_roll_mean time_roll_sum time_roll_window time_roll_window_size
Time based version of 'base::seq()'time_seq time_seq_sizes time_seq_v time_seq_v2
Generate a unique identifier for a regular time sequence with gapstime_seq_id
Additional ggplot2 scalesscale_x_year_month scale_x_year_quarter scale_y_year_month scale_y_year_quarter transform_year_month transform_year_quarter
Turn 'ts' into a 'tibble'ts_as_tibble ts_as_tibble.default ts_as_tibble.mts ts_as_tibble.timeSeries ts_as_tibble.xts ts_as_tibble.zoo
Guess time unit and extract basic information.unit_guess
Fast methods for creating year-months and year-quartersdecimal_year_month decimal_year_quarter year_month year_month_decimal year_quarter year_quarter_decimal YM YQ