copulaedas 1.4.3 (2018-07-29)
- Support new indepCopula() objects without a "parameters" slot.
copulaedas 1.4.2 (2015-10-23)
- Fix warnings caused by missing imports in NAMESPACE.
- Update the package description to comply with CRAN requirements.
- Drop C code for cramer_vonMises in favour of copula::gofTstat.
copulaedas 1.4.1 (2014-06-21)
- Add a reference to the package review published in the Journal of
Statistical Software.
copulaedas 1.4.0 (2014-05-13)
- Minor corrections in the package documentation.
- Package license set to GPL (>= 2) instead of GPL (>= 3).
copulaedas 1.3.1 (2014-02-06)
- Removed the package vignette (still available on arXiv).
- Updated the use of the Archimedean copula functions from the
copula package (new use.indepC argument).
copulaedas 1.3.0 (2013-05-02)
- The package vignette was updated.
- New options 'trees' and 'truncMethod' for VEDA.
- Using 'verbose' instead of the deprecated option 'print.every' in
- Corrected minor errors in the documentation.
- Added cec2013 as a suggested package.
copulaedas 1.2.1 (2013-01-11)
- Fixed warnings caused by the use of the deprecated {as.,is.,}real
- Fixed warnings caused by .C calls with PACKAGE argument in a
different package.
copulaedas 1.2.0 (2012-09-28)
- Fixed warnings because of deprecated functions from the copula package.
- Added a package vignette.
- Added the github URL.
- Added cec2005benchmark as a suggested package.
- Implemented Truncated marginal distributions.
- New reporting methods that save the population to a plain-text file.
- Implemented Restricted Tournament Replacement.
- Implemented Tournament selection.
- Avoided numerical problems with the simulation of the normal copula.
copulaedas 1.1.0 (2012-01-26)
- Supported the Frank copula as a candidate copula in VEDA.
- Implementation of the Rastrigin function.
- Renamed the bestIndiv slot of the EDAResult to bestSol.
- Changed the way the marginal distributions are specified.
- The documentation was reviewed.
copulaedas 1.0.3 (2011-07-29)
- The file with the full text of the GNU GPL was removed from the package.
copulaedas 1.0.2
copulaedas 1.0.1 (2011-05-24)
- R CMD check warnings fixed.
copulaedas 1.0.0