Add testthat to check if the functions can return the expected output; corrected some expression and typo mistakes
Optimize the way the function is called, improved the R package to reduce the cost of user input. added the models commonly used in survival analysis, like Cox model, Random Survival Forests model, and survreg object.
Add a new function predictSurvProb2survreg: Predicting Survival Probabilities for a 'survreg' Object
Optimize package Imports according to CRAN's Suggests
A new evaluation index is added:concordance index for competing risk
Modify the DESCRIPTION content according to the CRAN maintainer's suggestion.
Reduce the running time of the Examples
Modify the DESCRIPTION content.
Modify the DESCRIPTION content.
Reduce the running time of the vignettes.
Modify the DESCRIPTION content.
Reduce the running time of the examples.
First release targeting CRAN